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Best Super Bowl XLIV commercial 2010

What is your favorite super bowl commercial of 2010? According to me, the “Dodge –  Man’s last stand” was the best ad of Super bowl XLIV. It has got hidden power that only men can understand. If you can’t digest this, I am sorry for you Mrs Robinson.



  1. uberVU - social comments
    uberVU - social comments February 9, 2010

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Reddit by ridhs84: manly ad of 2010…

  2. Nupur
    Nupur February 9, 2010

    I agree! I liked this ad too! I liked E-trade babies in the airline one!

  3. […] Best Super Bowl XLIV commercial | Brijux.comVideo of Best Super Bowl XLIV commercial of 2010. According to me, the Dodge – Man’s last stand was the best ad of Super bowl XLIV. It has got hidden power that only men can understand. Read more […]

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