Those who know, don’t speak. Those who speak, don’t know. Explains a lot.
This image explains a lot about introverts. There is a big difference between introverts, anti-social and shy people. Extroverts really need to understand that. Image from Abstruse Goose
A blog is speaking your views to appear smart. I am introvert here. Felt like mentioning. lol
Small talk: “Blah….yeah…blah, blah, blah….yak, yeah, blah.yak….yeah, blah…um..blah…yeah, um, like blah blah blah…'”
Person one thought bubble: “It sure is nice to have a good time communicating with other human beings. I’m having fun.”
Person two thought bubble: “It sure is nice to have a good time communicating with other human beings. I’m having fun”
Person three thought bubble: “These guys are morons and think they’re so cool. Everyone else is lame. I’m the smart one. I should make a comic about this and put it on the internet. That would be awesome. But seriously, fuck these guys, they’re lame. It’s too bad that they couldn’t be cool like me…”